This is the starting point for all my pages, including several photo pages. Just click on the appropriate category to go to that page. If you have any suggestions for more links in any category, or if you want to submit your site for listing in one of the categories, just e-mail me.
[Note: If you have a problem with any of the links, just use the email link you will find on each page to let me know. Thank You. P.S. I switched ISP, going from a basic 3Gb (with surcharges over 3Gb up to 5Gb and over 5Gb up to 10Gb, with per Mb after that) to 100Gb per month plan, so I will be able to work on the site faster, and hope to update and eliminate dead links, etc. ASAP. I struggled for 15 years with a very slow dialup connection, but now I'm able to do more at a time on here. Plus, as of 2016, I am using a more powerful computer with a 27" 1080p HD screen. Easier to see what I am doing, even without increasing font size much.]
Last Update: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 - 2:46 PM
I am going to be checking for any bad links, and will be adding or replacing some links. I haven't worked on this site in quite a while, so I have my work cut out for me!
Aliens and UFOs page: links to pages on aliens and extraterrestrials, UFOs, and other paranormal phenomena.
Automotive Links: includes 4x4s, motorcycles, RVs and trucks.UPDATED
Automotive Photo Page: NEW page of classic car photos, with more to come, including some antique car photos, too.
Computer and Internet Resources: including games, graphics, programming, tips & tricks, how-to articles, HTML information and tutorials, website building/maintenance, web search boxes, etc.
Food Related Links: Links to sites with recipes, information, tips, history, etc. of food.
Humour -- also Cartoons & Comics: including some links to the homepages of some of the humour mailing lists, as well as sites on animation, comic strips, and daily cartoons (political or otherwise).
Kids' Sites: Links to sites for kids, often by kids or people who design sites for kids. There are oodles of KID SAFE links to be found, with more added when I find them.
Miscellaneous links - unsorted: includes some interesting sites that haven't been categorized yet, but will as soon as time permits, or when a category is created for them.
MP3 Files and other stuff: NEW some MP3 files of parodies of popular songs, and any other files I add as time goes on.
Nature and Wildlife links: Some interesting flora and fauna links to check out.
News Links: Newspapers, TV News, and Online-only News sites.
Science and Space Links: Covering many branches of science including geology, volcanology, plate tectonics, and much more. Astronomy and the like are in the Space section, which deals with space travel--manned and unmanned--as well as space-related sciences.
Star Wars, Star Trek and Other Science Fiction: Links to some official and unofficial Star Wars/Star Trek sites, as well as other interesting science fiction topics.
TV, Movies, Music Fan Links: Sites dedicated to TV shows and their stars, Movies and Movie Stars, and Singers, Groups, etc. in the field of music.
Weather Links Page: Links to sites with weather reports, weather phenomena, and information about forecasting, equipment, data, etc.
Weird and Wacky Links Page: These are some of the strange or just plain weird sites I have found out there--and some of them are WAY out there!!
Rail Pages
Victor's Rail Enthusiast's Page: My main railroad links page (also where the guestbook is located for rail pages).
Victor's Model Railroading Links: Links to clubs, organizations, homepages with rail content, and layouts.
My Rail Photo Page: Some rail photos taken around my area. ===>4 Pages of photos<===
Model Railroad Photos Page: Some model railroad photos I took of John Hill's layout in Richmond, Quebec.
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