On this page you will find links leading to information on foods, including recipes, interesting facts and trivia, etc. If you know of any other sites related to food, or have a site in that category, please send me the URL at the address shown at the bottom of the page. Thank you.
Allrecipes.com: Main index page.
Babble - Food
Barbecue'n On The Internet
Breakfast Recipes - Mr.Breakfast.com
Butterball: The Butterball turkey site, with everything you need to know about this poultry.
CHEESE.COM - All about cheese!
cheeseontour.com: pictures of cheese in famous places.
The Chocolate Life - Discover Chocolate and Live La Vida Cocoa!
Cooking By Numbers: Here you will find a list of ingredients you might find in your kitchen. Check off what you have on hand, and you will be given recipes that can be made with what you have, along with the directions for preparation.
Cooking.com - Recipe Home
Cooking For Fun
CopyKat.com - Your home for recipes you'd normally find AWAY from home.
DFC -Your Health Our Recipes: presented by the Dairy Farmers of Canada
Food Network
The Gumbo Pages: Includes "The Creole and Cajun Recipe Page". Dedicated to New Orleans and Louisiana cooking.
Hershey Foods Corporation
Ice Cream eBook: Everything you could possibly want to know about ice cream, from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.
Indian Culinary Recipes
Meals.com - Recipes, Cooking & Meal PlanningA directory leading to many resources.
Peanut Butter Lovers.com
Quaker Oatmeal: A wealth of information about oats and their benefits, as well as recipes and more.
Recession Recipes - frugal menu ideas that are gourmet and funny cooking
Recipe du Jour: "Simply the BEST daily recipe list on the web!"
Roadfood.com: A site devoted exclusively to finding the most memorable local eateries along the highways and back roads of America.
Robin Hood: The Robin Hood flour site, with recipes and tips.
SALT made the world go round
Science of Cooking: Part of the Exploratorium website.
siddhika Raja's page: Indian Cuisine
Star Chefs: Recipes of Chefs and Recipes by Cookbook Authors