On this page, you will find links to sites for weather reports, etc., as well as other sites devoted to weather phenomena--such as lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, and anything else in that category. There are also some sites which explain weather patterns, forecasting, data, and equipment, as well as tutorials.
AccuWeather, Inc.: "The world's largest commercial weather service." " AccuWeather serves clients in the media, government, industry and education."
Agriculture Online - Weather: A site of interest to farmers seeking the latest information on soil temperature and moisture, wind speed and other weather.
Environment Canada - Weather: Canada's national weather service.
MeteoWeather - Online Weather Reports and Meteo Service
National Weather Service
UM Weather: "Connecting You To The World Of Weather". Includes "the Net's largest collection of weather links. The most comprehensive and up-to-date source of weather data on the Web."
The Weather Network: Canada's weather network that is on its own cable channel.
Weather Underground
Yahoo Weather Forecast: Find out the weather for anywhere in the world.
Bad Rain
Hurricane Hunters Home Page: The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, known as the Hurricane Hunters of the Air Force Reserve. These are the ones who fly into the eye of a hurricane to gather data and track its path.
National Hurricane Center/Tropical Prediction Center: Loads of information on hurricanes and tropical storms, and links to other related sites.
NATIONAL LIGHTNING SAFETY INSTITUTE: Everything you ever wanted to know about lightning.
Tornado Alley: Tornado and Storm chaser Facts, Pictures and Weather Information
Tornado Project Online: A wealth of information on tornadoes, such as myths, the Fujita Scale, recent tornadoes, past ones, personal experiences, storm chasing (like in the movie "Twister"), etc.
USA TODAY Tornado Information
Clouds from space
National Climatic Data Center (NCDC): "NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data."
Online Guides:instructional modules and curriculum (weather): University of Illinois WW2010 site with information about many aspects of weather
Weather Dude: The weather page especially for kids, parents and teachers from The Weather Channel's Nick Walker