Rail Photos Page 3
(Click on photo for larger view)
A pair of MLW-built CN locomotives. MLW is Montreal Locomotive Works, now a part of Bombardier. It was getting toward dusk, which explains the inferior quality of this and the following photos. Some of the other photos were taken with flash, making the reflective striping on step edges, and the CN lettering show up brighter than the body of the locomotives.
Another view of the same two locomotives.
The same MLW-built locos.
Another MLW-built locomotive, this time in St. Lawrence and Atlantic Quebec livery. This is the company that has taken over the CN lines in a portion of southwestern Quebec, and is gradually repainting the CN locomotives that it bought in this yellow and black scheme.
Another view of the same locomotive.
Here is a side view of the same locomotive.
The other MLW-built loco with a modular flat car.
Here you can see how the flash from the camera brought out the reflective striping and numbering on the locomotive.
Here's a front view of the same locomotive.
Another side view of the same locomotive.
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