Rail Photos Page 2
(Click on photo for larger view)
Overall view of station, taken early spring 1999. The land has been filled and levelled where the tracks used to be near the station.
View of north end of station.
Partial view of front (east side) of station, showing the progress made in the renovations.
Here is another view of the front of the station.
This CN maintenance of way truck has overhead racks for transporting rails, a hydraulic crane, and rear and behind-the-cab retracting railway wheels for running on the tracks.
This piece of maintenance-of-way machinery is a Kershaw brush cutter, used to cut brush on the trackside right-of-way. It cuts a 10 foot path each side and the arms are used together by 2 operators. As the operators pass the brush is mulched through the 2 rotor heads on each side. These rotors have 24 inch balanced steel blades, 2 per rotor. According to the person who gave me this information, who has operated this machine and a larger version in Alberta and BC, the biggest tree he has handled with it was 28 inches in diameter and it had no troubles mulching the complete tree, and the colder the weather, the better the cutting goes. This is one dangerous machine when it is working. It has bullet proof windows and they are there for a reason; when a blade or rock smacks the window you see why.
Another view of the Kershaw brush cutter.
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